Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 
Chunmun Stores Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Company") has developed a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Policy").

The Policy lays down the principles and mechanisms for undertaking various programs in accordance with Companies Act. In alignment with its objective, principles and values, for delineating its responsibility as a socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen.

The main objective of S R policy is to make S R a key business process for sustainable development of the society by:
•Ensuring an increased commitment at all levels in the organisation, to operate its business in an economically, socially& environmentally sustainable manner, while recognising the interests of its stakeholders;
•Strive for economic development that positively impacts the society at large withminimal resource footprints.

The CSR Committee ofChunmun Stores Private Limited shall be composed of at leastt w omembers of the Board of Directors. Members of the CSR Committee may be replaced by any other member of the Board.
The S R Committee shall meet as often as its members deem necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities, but not less than once i na year.
Responsibilities ofCSR committee includes:
Formulating and recommending to the Board of Directors the SR policy and indicating activities to be undertaken specified in Schedule VIl to the Act;

The SR Committee will carry out the following functions:
• Recommending the budget and managing the expenditure on SR activities;
• Overseeing of SR Working Group and CSR activities.
• To formulate and recommend an annual action plan in pursuance of SR Policy covering the following aspects:
(i) the list of approved SR projects or programs to be undertaken in areas or subjects specified in Schedule VI to the Act;
(ii)the manner ofexecution of such projects or programs as specified in rule 4(1) of CSR Rules;
(iii) the modalities ofutilisation of funds and implementation schedules for the projects or programs;
(iv) monitoring and reporting mechanism forthe projects or programs; and
(v) details ofneed and impact assessment, fi any, for the projectsundertaken by the company;
(vi) Recommend changes to the Board, if any, needed in the annual action plan with reasonable justification to that effect.
To monitor the SR Policy as approved by the Board from time to time. The SR Committee should recommend the approach and direction of S R activities to be undertaken by the company and also provide Guiding principles for
(i) Selection of S R projects /programmes /activities
(ii) Implementation of CSR projects/programmes / activities
We believethat a targeted approach to corporate giving us to focus our resources to support identified needsin the most effective way. As healthcare andimproving thetrajectory ofhealth are closest to our
hearts, our efforts focus on strategic platforms to help advance health and improve people's lives through targeted initiatives.
Chief Financial Officer or the person responsible for financial management shall certify to the Board about utilization of funds disbursed for the purposes and manner approved by the Board.

Board of Directors Report to include:
• • •
Contents of the S R Policy and Composition of the CSR committee;
An annual report on the SR in the format prescribed by the Ministryof Corporate Affairs;
Reasons for failure (if any)t o spend required amount on CSR activities.

5.Focus Area on CSR
The Company's CSR will focus on the following thrust areas: 
• Health
• Education
• Eradicating hunger
• Disaster management
• Safe water drinking
• Social upliftment
• Other area mentioned in Schedule VIl ofCompaniesAct, 2013

6. Execution of S R Activities
The Board of Directorswill be responsible to execute the plan for SR activities
Any or all provisions of this CSR policymayb e amended by the Board based on the recommendations of the CSR Committee or in accordance with any statutory guidelines that may be issued from time to time.

In a financial year, thecompany shall spend on CS Activities, as per and in accordance with therelevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The company shall allocate a budget towards each of the SR activitiesfalling within the purviewo fthe objectives of this S R Policy.TheS Rexpenditure shallinclude all actual expenditures including contribution to corpus or on project or programs relating to SR activities recommended by the S R Committee and approved by the Board o fDirectors.
Whole time director/Managing Director shall monitor the utilization of funds for the purposes set forth and certify to this effect.
Unspent CS amount, if any, shall be transferred toseparate account in accordance with the applicable CSR Rules from time to time.

The CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Board, an annual action plan which shall include the following:
(a) the list of CS projects or programmes that are approved and to be undertaken by the company
(b)t h e manner of execution of such projects or programmes
(c) the modalities of utilisation of funds and implementation schedules for the projects or programmes;
(d) monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; and
(e) details of need and impact assessment, fi any, for the projects undertaken by the company.

Capital asset acquired or created by CSR projects should be held by the beneficiaries of the said CSR project or a trust or a public authority for the benefits of all. The company should take appropriate measure to ensure that such assets are utilized for the purpose it was meant for and should not be transferred or disposed off without prior permission of the company.

10. G E N E R A L
a. Any surplus arising out of the CSR activity would not be a part of business profitsof the company;
b. Any or all provisions of the S R Policy would be subject to revision/amendment;